Field Types

Our all-in-one no-code platform for business applications is designed to ensure effective data management. Our comprehensive range of intuitive data types functionalities includes text, integers, decimals, currency, percentages, and even documents, images, and comments. To meet the latest market tech demands, we are constantly upgrading the features.

Select a Field

Our select field feature helps in data management. This functionality allows users to choose from our diverse array of data types, including the newly added digital signatures, ensuring precise and efficient data categorization. Customize your data handling to suit specific needs, streamlining your workflows and improving overall data integrity.

Select a Field
Covered all points for you

Covered all points for you

Tableflow is one of the best no-code platforms designed by the experts in such a way that users can manage all the tasks. By integrating different fundamental fields such as text, date, number, and selection list, along with file and image uploads. Each field type is equipped with validation checks—for example, an incorrectly formatted phone number will prompt a notification to adjust the formatting, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

Project Management Fundamentals

Take a look at the importance  of project management, uncovering the critical techniques and tools that ensure project success. Opt for  effective planning, execution, and monitoring, all while emphasizing collaboration and resource management. This foundational knowledge takes you to lead projects with a human-centric approach, ensuring goals are met with both precision and a personal touch, that helps in team management and business growth.

Project Management Fundamentals
Advanced Field Types for Superior Data Management

Advanced Field Types for Superior Data Management

Experience the wide number of field types that go beyond the traditional, offering unparalleled flexibility and precision in data management. Our innovative approach allows you to capture, organize, and analyze data in ways that conventional field types cannot match. Whether it's advanced data validation or unique data categorization, this feature allows users to handle information with greater depth and increase their data-driven decisions and operational efficiency.

Assign Task to Anyone

With our Assign Task to Anyone feature, you can create and assign tasks to individuals seamlessly. Our no-code software development platform facilitates the task assignment along with relevant access to streamline a cohesive and informed workflow process.

Assign Task to Anyone

Our Extensive Collection of Functions

These functions are just a glimpse of what Tableflow has to offer. We have a wide array of functions and features to cater to your diverse needs.


Returns the number of days between the two dates.


Returns the current date and time formatted as a date and time.


Checks whether all arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE.


Checks whether any of the arguments are TRUE, and returns FALSE if all arguments are FALSE.


Returns the average (arithmetic mean) from the given set of values.


Returns current authenticated user.


Concatenates a list or range of text strings.

Is Number

Returns if value is a number


Removes all spaces from text.


Converts all letters in a text string to uppercase

Startup founders and leaders around the world praise Tableflow

“We have created a patient registration and appointment scheduling application using this platform within just a few days. From the date of creation until now, we have not encountered any issues. Thanks you very much team TableFlow.”

Melisa Torres

Patient Care App

“We have created a patient registration and appointment scheduling application using this platform within just a few days. From the date of creation until now, we have not encountered any issues. Thanks you very much team TableFlow.”

Melisa Torres

Patient Care App