
At Tableflow, we’ve integrated our platform with a wide range of customer-inspired features, each carefully handpicked and tailored to fit seamlessly into your workflow processes and
business projects. Our developers have poured their hearts into researching the market to
bring you the best no-code platform for your business.

Boost Your Business With Advance Calculation Capabilities

Our no-code web development platform streamlines your operations with a full array of calculation functions. By automating data retrieval, we help you focus exclusively on your calculations, saving time for strategic initiatives.

Whether you need simple arithmetic for daily tasks or complex mathematical operations with a variety of operators and functions, our comprehensive system reliably meets all your computational demands.

Boost Your Business With Advance Calculation Capabilities
Set Default Values with Ease Using Pre-built Functions

Set Default Values with Ease Using Pre-built Functions

Easily configure default values with our array of pre-built functions, tailored to streamline your setup process.

For example, to automatically capture the date when a record is created, utilize our NOW function, which records the precise date of the record's creation.

Implement Custom Validations with Functions

Incorporate customized validations for your data entries, including email addresses, pin codes, dates, and more, using TableFlow's extensive collection of functions.

Leverage our diverse range of functions, such as DATEDIFF, MASK, CONCAT, and others, to tailor validations precisely to your requirements.

Implement Custom Validations with Functions

Our Extensive Collection of Functions

These functions are just a glimpse of what Tableflow has to offer. We
have a wide array of functions and features to cater to your diverse needs.


Returns the number of days between the two dates.


Returns the current date and time formatted as a date and time.


Checks whether all arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE if all
arguments are TRUE.


Checks whether any of the arguments are TRUE, and returns FALSE if
all arguments are FALSE.


Returns the average (arithmetic mean) from the given set of


Returns current authenticated user.


Concatenates a list or range of text strings.

Is Number

Returns if value is a number


Removes all spaces from text.


Converts all letters in a text string to uppercase

Startup founders and leaders around the world praise Tableflow

“We have created a patient registration and appointment scheduling application using this platform within just a few days. From the date of creation until now, we have not encountered any issues. Thanks you very much team TableFlow.”

Melisa Torres

Patient Care App

“We have created a patient registration and appointment scheduling application using this platform within just a few days. From the date of creation until now, we have not encountered any issues. Thanks you very much team TableFlow.”

Melisa Torres

Patient Care App